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Publication of Annual Financial Report & Notice of AGM

September 28, 2021

Induction Healthcare Group PLC

(“Induction”, the “Company”, or the “Group”)

Publication of Annual Financial Report & Notice of AGM

Induction (AIM: INHC), a leading virtual care platform driving digital transformation of healthcare systems worldwide, announces that the Annual Report and Accounts, Notice of Annual General Meeting ("AGM") and associated Form of Proxy, available on the Company’s website, have been posted to those shareholders who have opted out of electronic communications.The documents are available here: Company's AGM will be held at 50 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 7PY at 09.00 am on Thursday 4 November 2021.In light of the recent easing by the UK Government of COVID-19 restrictions, the Company anticipates that it will be able to hold the AGM in the normal way this year. If so, this will mean that shareholders will be welcome to attend the AGM in person. However, given the constantly evolving nature of the situation, should the COVID-19 restrictions change such that the Company considers it is no longer possible for shareholders to attend the meeting, the AGM will be held as a closed meeting instead. In the event that the AGM arrangements have to change, the Company will issue a further communication via a regulatory information service and on the Company website at are therefore strongly encouraged to complete and return the Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions set out therein to the Company’s registrars, Equiniti Limited, Aspect House, Spencer Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN99 6DA, as soon as possible but in any event so as to arrive no later than 09.00 am on Tuesday 2 November 2021. Given the potential restrictions on attendance, members are strongly encouraged to appoint the ‘Chair of the Meeting’ as their proxy rather than a named person who may not be permitted to attend the meeting.Alternatively, eligible shareholders who hold their shares in the Company in uncertificated form in CREST may use the CREST Proxy Voting Service, details in respect of which are contained in the notes to the notice of the AGM. Electronic Proxy Appointment (‘EPA’) is also available for this meeting. To use this facility, investors must visit where details of the procedure are shown. Details on how to lodge your vote electronically are contained within the notes to the Notice of AGM.The results of voting on the resolutions will be announced via a regulatory information service and posted on the Company’s website as soon as practicable possible after the AGM.In order to give shareholders a chance to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the Company’s management, please email the Company Secretary at with any questions on the business of the AGM or the Report and Accounts in advance of the meeting stating your name (as printed on your Form of Proxy). The questions will be collated and a representative sample will be selected and answered on the Company’s website at as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the AGM.-ENDS-ENQUIRIES InductionJames Balmain, Chief Executive OfficerDr Hugo Stephenson, Group Executive DirectorVia Walbrook PR Ltd: Singer Capital Markets (Nominated Adviser and Broker)+44 (0) 20 7496 3000Philip Davies / Kailey Aliyar Walbrook PR Ltd induction@walbrookpr.comPaul McManus / Alice WoodingsMob: +44(0)7980 541 893 / +44 (0)7407 804 654 About Induction - www.inductionhealthcare.comInduction (AIM: INHC) is a leading virtual care platform driving digital transformation of healthcare systems worldwide. Induction solutions enhance the investments hospitals have made and lay the foundation for their future. Our products can enable information sharing between busy doctors, alleviate operational burdens on hospitals or put patients in better control of their care, all while ensuring the highest standards of clinical safety and information security. We unchain staff and patients from the limitations of paper-based and desktop systems, creating substantial time and cost efficiencies.More than 225,000 hospital doctors across multiple territories, including the UK, Ireland, Australia and South Africa, as well as a rapidly growing number of more than 300,000 UK patients, choose Induction solutions.Induction Switch is the number one healthcare collaboration app in the UK, used by the majority of hospital doctors within the NHS. The app helps to increase productivity and enhance communication by securely sharing phone numbers and bleeps, bookmarks, documents and messages in a clinical setting.Induction Guidance provides medical organisations, including most hospital trusts within the NHS, with the ability to collaboratively create, edit, and publish their own local medical guidelines in a secure and locally administrated environment. This increases knowledge of, and adherence to, guidance.Induction Zesty is a market-leading digital platform for patients visiting hospitals. The platform allows patients to book and access their appointments, read their clinical letters, store a copy of their clinical record and provide data to their care teams remotely. It is not just a compelling patient experience, but also delivers significant cost benefits to hospitals.Induction Attend Anywhere is the UK market leader in secondary care video consultations. It helps hospitals, health systems and other customers offer video consultations to patients and service users as a normal part of day-to-day clinical activity. Our vision is for video consultations to improve lives and help address social, access, equity and sustainability challenges by allowing healthcare providers to determine how and when they see a patient based on each individual case: in-person, via video or on the telephone.Induction HealthStream is a proprietary data integration platform that reads and writes patient demographic, appointment and clinical record data between a growing number of hospital EHR systems and the Induction platforms. This connectivity between stakeholders and legacy IT systems adds substantial value to pre-existing health IT investment and allows large-scale adoption of Induction app-based services.