Analytics and Reporting

Explore product insights, enhance utilisation, and showcase benefits realisation, with our dynamic dashboard and reporting tool.
User-Friendly Interface
Accessible dashboards and reports for easy navigation from summaries to detailed event information.
Secure Analytics
Adhering to healthcare security, collecting click-by-click events, and providing audit trail data in 'Staff Admin User' screens for feature usage tracking.
National Reporting Compliance
Enables customers to meet national reporting requirements, mandated for PEP providers and beyond.

Our benefits

  • Adoption

    Enhanced feature adoption
  • Tracking

    Efficient benefits tracking
  • Monitoring

    Detailed patient and staff action monitoring
  • Configuration

    Thorough configuration change tracking
  • Savings

    Time and effort savings for trust teams
  • Proactivity

    Insights facilitate proactive decision making

Hear what our customers say

Digital solution transforms patient engagement 

Zesty empowers patients to have more involvement and control over their care


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